Tuesday, May 31, 2011

differences between dna and rna

differences between dna and rna. differences between DNA
  • differences between DNA

  • citizenzen
    May 5, 10:02 AM
    The better question here, is why do you feel so immune to violent crime?

    What makes you think he feels immune to violent crime?

    The opposite is probably true.

    The fact that guns are so prevalent in America makes it more likely that any one of us will find ourselves on the wrong end of one.

    Given the choice, I'd much rather have the robber hold me up with a knife, than a gun.

    I shouldn't have to a gun on me to feel safe in my community.

    I agree.

    The old saying, guns don't kill people, people do, has a logical extension ...

    Guns don't protect people, people do.

    We need to rely less on bullets, and more on each other.

    differences between dna and rna. Comparisons etween DNA and
  • Comparisons etween DNA and

  • jbg232
    Mar 17, 08:56 AM
    This is a very entertaining thread that is showing many different sides of the macrumors members.

    That being said, we are ALL unethical at some point in time and we ALL have varying interpretations for "ethical" behavior. Philosophers have debated for thousands of years to answer the question "what is the right way to act?" Thinking that there IS an answer is superfluous, even more so on an internet forum.

    That being said, obviously you got a break and you're happy. You're the only one who ultimately has to determine if you did the right thing because honestly, we on the macrumors forums are NOT realistically being affected by this random act (if this were a systematic thing or we were making laws that would be different) and it is your conscience that matters.

    However, PERSONALLY, given that I had already budgeted out the money for the iPad before buying it I would make a small donation (maybe $5-$25) to Japan (you'll still be making a deal). That's just me however, feel free to do what you want with the extra money.

    differences between dna and rna. Understand difference between
  • Understand difference between

  • fun173
    Apr 5, 09:46 PM
    This is an excellent app. I have been wondering what sort of ads are going to be showing up in my app and I know for sure now.

    differences between dna and rna. The most obvious difference
  • The most obvious difference

  • minnesotamacman
    Sep 12, 08:49 AM
    OK, this is the big prediction. A new 50" Display for Home Theater use...


    differences between dna and rna. What is the difference between
  • What is the difference between

  • otaku.com
    Sep 30, 05:20 AM
    This is just like a plan from a Frank Lloyd Wright 1950's house.

    He called it the "Inline Plan"

    A long house feels bigger than a square shaped house.
    Even with the same floor area.

    differences between dna and rna. also differences between
  • also differences between

  • nebulos
    May 4, 01:00 AM
    Ummmm incorrect. I have a major surgery coming up and the only way me and my doctor could sit down together and review the CT Scan was with my iPad 2 since all CT Scans are done on digital now instead of film. I simply stopped by the hospital and snagged the cd the night before my appointment and loaded it before I left the next day.

    My doctor said this was on his wish list, but he couldn't find anywhere in stock.


    okay, certainly this was ipad as tool, definitely not toy.

    more importantly though, on behalf of all of MR, best wishes with the surgery.

    when you're done with that, come back and we can argue some more. ;)


    differences between dna and rna. differences between dna and
  • differences between dna and

  • hypmatize
    Apr 8, 07:42 PM
    Return that. I'll send you my BD for free.

    EDIT: Actually I just saw you are in Germany, you can still have it if you pay shipping, but I don't know if it will work because of country restrictions...

    You can send it to me :D:o

    differences between dna and rna. Differences Between DNA
  • Differences Between DNA

  • Carouser
    Sep 29, 11:27 AM
    I would have a turntable in front of the garage. You can devote less space to the driveway area.

    Turntables are for people who can't afford enough space or live in busy areas. They are a waste of time and energy. An optimally-sized driveway is a more elegant solution.

    Also, to only have *1* walk-in in the master rather than 2 is not good. No home theater? Large gym with panoramic views? Sauna/steam room/? Sun room? Library? Detached guest suite or guest house (in-law/nanny quarters, etc.)? Swimming pool? Hot tub?

    Those things are for the new rich or the status-insecure. When you're sufficiently wealthy to actually do whatever you want that stuff is junk and a waste of time.


    differences between dna and rna. DNA and RNA as the Basis of
  • DNA and RNA as the Basis of

  • CocoaPuffs
    Apr 15, 04:22 PM
    Why would Apple change the aesthetic look of iPhone after 3 generations without any added benefit for making the change?

    differences between dna and rna. A major difference between DNA
  • A major difference between DNA

  • Neodym
    Oct 3, 05:28 PM
    Unfortunately this is EXACTLY why Apple ISN'T producing a headless mid-range Mac. They will lose out tremendously on display sales. They either want to sell you a display within the unit (iMac, MacBooks) or sell you a display with the unit (Mini, Pro). Mini users will buy one because A. they're in the store and B. don't know any better. Pro users will buy one because they are top-of-the line, beautiful screens and they, generally, have money to burn. Mid-range users (and prosumers) know well enough that they can get a cheap, good-enough monitor for $200 from NewEgg or eBay (for the daring). Instead, we prosumers either have to settle for the iMac or splurge on the Mac Pro.

    Mmmh - i see it a little different:

    Why shouldn't the so-called "prosumers" be interested in beautiful and top-of-the-line monitors as well as the "pros"? Even worse - the target clientel for a Pro computer often earn their living on those machines and they might need raw power, but not necessarily a "beautiful" screen - especially if the old one would still do its work.

    Thus i would suspect prosumers to be more willing to "burn some money" for a nice Apple screen just because it fits their lifestyle, than someone who has to invest to earn money on it. And don't forget how Apple introduced the mini - it was targetted at users who ALREADY OWN a monitor (and keyboard and mouse).

    So one of the main target groups for Apple monitors would be exactly the clientel which currently is not able to find something proper: A more powerful computer than the mini, but less pricey than a Mac Pro.

    Therefore the gap between a mini and a Mac Pro is a little big indeed! Not only because of the initial purchase cost, but also because of the cost following when you have to buy "pro" equipment (like e.g. memory) at "pro" prices as well...!

    The iMac aims at a completely different audience here and is a good complement, but never a replacement for a mid-class machine.

    If Apple wants to continue to grow they HAVE to differentiate their lineup a little more! Personally i would not mind if they would do it in the stylish area and bring up some acrylic beauty again or even introduce some really new (or at least different) ideas. But it is not that important as long as the they eventually close that huge gap!



    differences between dna and rna. The differences between cDNA
  • The differences between cDNA

  • Geckotek
    Jan 2, 01:25 AM
    Not saying you're correct or incorrect, just saying that the information I had been dealt doesn't support your statement. I'm fairly certain that question was settled after the first teardown.

    Edit: Looked around and couldn't find a datasheet on the Triquint chips. Perhpas we never really had an answer on this. But I don't see LTE as a possibility and if HSPA+ is, why is it not enabled yet??

    Well, once again, supposedly LTE will allow for simultaneous voice/data.

    I for one will be staying with AT&T if and when Verizon gets the iPhone. I'll also be laughing while Verizon suffers the same fate that AT&T did as millions of users hit their network at once. I don't care how "strong" Verizon's network is, I don't think they're ready for the heavy hit they're going to take.

    As of now, LTE only supports data. They are working for a voice solution in the future. So any LTE phones will be LTE for data and CDMA/WCDMA for voice.

    And thinking that Verizon won't be prepared is just foolish. For starters, they have the luxury that AT&T didn't have...too look at another network and how the iPhone has performed on that network. It would be like watching a guy walk off a cliff and slam into the rocks below...then just walking off after him expecting a different result. Not to mention the fact that Verizon has handled bigger data hogs in the form of laptop users for longer than AT&T anyway.

    differences between dna and rna. Differences between DNA
  • Differences between DNA

  • codo
    Oct 28, 02:49 PM
    They might just end up releasing the source a version later so hackers intent on spreading the latest and greatest simply can't - whilst still providing the code for legitimate uses.

    Just out of interest - What do people actually do with this source? I mean, are there other operating systems based on it? Or is it useful for OS X developers so they can refine their code to integrate with OS X? Forgive my ignorance, just wondering.


    differences between dna and rna. only difference between
  • only difference between

  • elppa
    Jan 27, 06:42 PM
    Well, I'll grade myself:

    [1] Lot's of puff about how well Apple is doing. Good news gospel on the iPhone. Pie Charts and bar charts, some early mention of sales figures.

    Well we got this 1/1

    [2] Leopard talk � Apple haven't had an expo since the Leopard launch. Expect some interesting apps (3rd parties, almost certainly some mention of Office '08, possibly Bento) and talk of the capabilities and technologies in the new OS. We may get an update (10.5.2) and in it some surprises (whether it be QT 8, Java 6) or some iPhone technologies (error correction when typing) intergrated). Also look out for news on a how users will be exposed to the resolution independent UI. This may be particually impotant if number 5 on the list is being launch. Apple also said they'd be ready by '08.

    Apple talked about Leopard - 2/2
    Mention of Office '08 - 3/3
    Other 3rd Party Apps - 3/4
    Talk through technologies and capabilities of Leopard - 3/5
    10.5.2 Update - 3/6
    QT 8 - 3/7
    Java 6 - 3/8
    iPhone technologies in Leopard - 3/9
    Res independence - 3/10

    [3] Beetles on iTunes (at last!). This will lead into the the Music section of the keynote.

    Not a whisper - 3/11

    [3] iTunes Movie Rentals and iTunes 8 (UPDATE: Looks more likely to be a 7.6 release now.). Talk of the interplay between hardware-software, leading to the introduction of the:

    Movie Rentals - 4/12
    New iTunes - 5/13

    [2] new TV + Apple Remote (in metal and using a similar clickwheel to the nano (you heard it here first)). Not sure were TV is headed, so I will not make too many predictions on this.

    New Tv - 6/14
    Same old white, plastic remote - 7/15

    [5] MacBook Nano (possibly left to the end). It may have a pixel density considerably higher than current machines.
    A bit more on this from here:
    [1] The drive will be a bus powered FW800 Super Drive. And you will pay for it, it won't be included in the box because:
    [i] Some may have existing external burners they would rather use.
    [ii] It would make the box bigger. Bigger, heavier boxes means more expensive shipping.
    [iii] Apple will get to make even more money on each sale from people buying the matching optical drive.

    [2] The ultra portable will retail for < $1600 (�1400/�1800) and be called the MacBook Nano.
    [3] The MBP will get a facelift and a new keyboard to match the MacBook/new Apple Keyboard
    And back to this one:

    They gave it a better name, no nano - 7/16
    Same pixel density as regular MacBooks - 7/18
    No Firewire, let only FW 800 on the Air - 7/19
    Drive not included - 8/20
    US price - 8/21
    UK price - 9/22
    EU price - 10/23
    New MacBook Pro - 10/24

    That seems like enough. I have a sneaky suspicsion we may see a new app, because Apple likes writing Apps and they haven't done a new Applications in a long time (apart from Numbers). Apps are important to Apple because they drive the adoption of hardware.

    New App - 10/25

    Here's what we may not see:
    [1] iPhone SDK, I think this may get a special event at another time.
    [2] Any pro products (Mac Pro, Cinema displays) (UPDATE: Well we've already had the Mac Pro, so this is technically a correct prediction � even before the expo even begins!).

    No iPhone SDK - 11/26
    No pro products - 12/261

    So all in all a fairly decent 46% success. As is normally the case I tend to hope for too much new. Some of my predictions I completely stand behind and I think we will see them another day. This year I believe we will see:

    - Res Independence UI being exposed to user via System Preferences.
    - Java 6 on OS X.
    - New Apple remote
    - New keyboard on MacBook Pro
    - A new application from Apple.

    differences between dna and rna. the difference between RNA
  • the difference between RNA

  • MagnusVonMagnum
    Apr 29, 10:34 PM
    There's a huge difference between merging in concepts of the UI, user-friendly software distribution, media access and what you describe.

    It is very unlikely that Apple's engineering and marketing would destroy what they've worked to build for so long, IMHO. How are you so certain that they'll be bringing all the bad stuff along with the good stuff? Seriously - do you really think that Apple's talent are as utterly foolish that you make them out to be?

    Is there? They're already controlling what can and cannot be sold on the iOS platform (and it is an entire platform now with full-fledged computers in the form of the iPad). They've proven themselves beyond contempt by insisting that in-app subscriptions be the same or lower on the App store than direct, despite the fact that they demand 1/3 of all the selling price. They've added an 'App' store for OSX proper and have the same 30% "grab" for everything on there. They're advertising and bragging about bringing iOS features back to OSX. I'm just doing simple math here. You can make 1+1 = 1 if you say it's a bigger one, but in my world, 2 is still the more likely answer.

    And you are the ones using the words "foolish". I think it's quite possibly a business-savvy solution to ensuring profits stay high into the future. What you or I may want in OSX is irrelevant to both Apple and Steve Jobs. Steve has essentially said that consumers don't know what's best for them and that it takes a visionary to move forward. We know Steve's 'vision' is smaller/thinner/more mobile at almost any cost. So I'm not saying it will happen like that, but that it's looking more likely every day. Only time will tell for sure. But I know if it does happen, I'll no longer have an interest in OSX. I don't want Apple deciding for me what I can or cannot buy or watching developers get 1/3 their gross taken from them (same % as a typical injury lawyer BTW. You don't get paid until they get paid FIRST and your bills 2nd and you last; in this case it would be taxes instead of bills). You can think it's good/fair/right. I don't agree and I don't want Apple telling me I have to use Safari because they don't want Firefox or Chrome competing with them.

    No, it'll happen whether we like it or not. Because the industry is going to the iPad like dumbed down devices for every day use, and in 10-15 years those devices will be fast enough for all of us to do almost everything on them.

    I don't know about that. There will always be a market for faster/more powerful (i.e. most people may drive a Ford Focus or Chevy Impala or Toyota Corrola and hybrids may capture larger and larger market penetration in the future, but that doesn't mean there isn't a market for the WRX, Mustang, Corvette, etc. even if it shrinks over time) and so even if Apple AND Microsoft bail out of traditional computing, that just means someone else will likely take over. They can't make Linux go away, for example. And if people didn't BUY it, the lines would stop. Newton didn't exactly go over so well the first time around....


    differences between dna and rna. Difference Between DNA and RNA
  • Difference Between DNA and RNA

  • alent1234
    Apr 8, 12:43 PM
    ok, now i can go back to best buy. they aren't evil anymore and the sales people are the most knowledgeable i've seen

    differences between dna and rna. The difference between the two
  • The difference between the two

  • glocke12
    May 4, 08:26 PM
    I'm certainly not worried about the people shooting at clay pigeons or paper cups.

    I'm concerned about the large number of deaths and injuries caused each year by firearms.

    31,224 deaths [2007 WISQARS (http://webappa.cdc.gov/sasweb/ncipc/mortrate10_sy.html)]

    66,769 non-fatal injuries [2009 WISQARS (http://webappa.cdc.gov/sasweb/ncipc/nfirates2001.html)]

    Sure, and I could easily find stats for deaths caused by automobiles and speeding.

    Maybe we need a law that prohibits the manufacture of vehicles capable of traveling more than 65 mph. After all the speed limit in most places is 65, a few places are 75.


    differences between dna and rna. differences between dna and
  • differences between dna and

  • benjayman2
    Apr 9, 01:41 PM
    The knockoffs don't break? j/k

    lol Definitely seen a lot of videos of broken solos not too many studios though. In real person the only studio I saw snapped was at a best buy near me, but every display model there is usually halfway broken there :p My cousin and coworker have had their studios for over a year with no issues. Regardless at $80 I couldn't pass it up. It was definitely a form over function kind of purchase, but were on MR anyways, most purchases fall in that category on this thread :D

    differences between dna and rna. differences between dna and
  • differences between dna and

  • MacAddict1978
    Mar 25, 10:27 AM
    The only problem with these comments is that vista did not suck. Running it on boot camp was a great experience and almost had me switching to it full-time. Running windows 7 on boot camp HAS done that for me at least at work, although I still prefer some of what vista had to offer.

    The dock could never dream of being what the superbar is though, and that's almost enough.

    No Vista didn't suck... it blew! "It's Megamaid sir... she's gone from suck to blow."

    The features that were nice additions to Windows in Vista were all... well, things we already had in OSX for years! Without the bugs, hang ups, crashes, resource hogging... Just saying. Win7 is what Vista should have been and wasn't. And while there's nothing innovative or original in Win7, it is probably the best version Microsuck has put out there.

    More interesting to me though, where do Apple and Microsoft go next? Lion's new features are nice, but not ground breaking "I'll die if I don't have that!" features. Less is looking to be more these days.

    differences between dna and rna. (DNA and RNA isolation,
  • (DNA and RNA isolation,

  • Coolerking
    Sep 12, 08:09 AM
    The link from Transporter 2 includes Movies+Trailers in the URL. As does the one below it, the other two include Games+Trailers.

    Here's the full link from the Transporter 2 bit.


    That was such a lame movie.

    Nov 23, 07:13 PM
    Well, since I didn't open it yet hopefully they will be helpful. If not I'll return it and just get one online. I'm also hoping that the girl knew what she was talking about...

    If you didn't open it then they HAVE to return it, then you can repurchase. The only exception would be if you had purchased online and configured it differently than what they stock in the store. That would HAVE to be returned via the online store.

    Oct 4, 04:22 AM
    This is the Mac mini of houses at best.

    Apr 9, 01:28 PM
    Some of it is copying, but it's good for consumers. The program packaging is because Microsoft is planning to release an App Store for Windows.

    I'm just glad Microsoft is focusing on consumer features in their operating system instead of just enterprise features.

    That's what Microsoft does. Copy Apple and make the copy so bad that Apple can't quite sue them. MS has been doing that for DECADES.
    That's why I call MS "The Worlds Biggest Out-Of-Focus Copying Machine".

    It's not good for consumers in the long run. We get stuck with expensive and inferior copies of Apple products. Yuck.

    A Microsoft App Store is almost too hilarious a concept to think about. Thinking about it might make good therapy for depression but could have side effects related to excessive laughter.
    If they're very lucky it will be Zune2.

    MS has been focusing on Enterprise features? Odd. Our MS based computers at work are actually worse to use than Windows computers at home. Perhaps our IT guys are just being cruel?

    Have Fun.

    Oct 7, 11:33 PM
    I have not had a single dropped call. I can also finally browse the web without Safari crashing all the time.

    Oh yeah; my dad can take your dad 24/7.....lol:p

    Does Safari come with your BB?:confused:

    Apr 9, 01:22 PM
    As we've all read a lot about recently, open standard is not open source. I'm sure Adobe and Microsoft have an arrangement.
    HA, very true.

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