Tuesday, June 7, 2011

student cv examples uk

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  • BrianKonarsMac
    Mar 23, 04:14 PM
    Major General Nick Justice. Awesome.

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  • Terminal.app
    Nov 18, 11:29 PM
    May have already been said, but seriously...$279 just to have a white iPhone? I paid $199 for my phone with a new contract...sheesh.

    Nothing wrong with the black iPhone. Just seems a bit much to my dirty peasant mind. :(

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  • skunk
    Apr 14, 04:24 PM
    Something I am seeing more and more which is downright terrifying/befuddling to me is the notion that not giving someone something is the same as taking something from them. Example: Tax cuts. I hear time and time again that tax cuts "cost" the government money. Excuse me?I don't really understand your confusion here: the government is essentially selling the taxpayer a bundle of services. If they lower the price, it costs them money. Surely that isn't so complicated?

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  • 840quadra
    May 24, 08:58 PM

    Now I need to remember this Thread when I get home and back to my Macintosh!!

    Thanks for the hard work, and the link!!


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  • KnightWRX
    Apr 14, 02:24 PM
    I have never heard of this guy. But having Geocities, Yahoo, and Microsoft on a resume doesn't inspire a great deal of confidence.

    As a datacenter manager ? Quite the contrary, those are 3 big data center experiences right there.

    As a product manager ? I'd agree with you.

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  • Blue Velvet
    Mar 26, 03:51 PM
    London's congestion charge was effective in reducing gridlock there.

    For a short while, maybe a year or so, and the effect was pronounced, for those of us who use London buses. The mayor rolled it back from the central/western areas recently and long-term impact studies seem a little scarce in terms of car driver numbers. The carrot was also introducing cheaper bus and tube fares by means of the Oyster Card, a card with an RFID chip in it to speed passenger boarding with pre-paid tickets.

    Using a bus in the UK, or London at least, doesn't quite have the same stigma it seems to have with some people in the US... although the distances involved are probably shorter than perhaps the average US commute.


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  • ChazUK
    Apr 17, 05:56 AM
    Your a moron. (see now thats ridicule)

    PLEASE tell me that was intentional. :eek:

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  • BaldiMac
    Mar 25, 09:34 AM
    Before all you Apple fannies disagree with this; just remember Apple is trying to sue everyone else too.

    It's all ridiculous.

    Second that.

    Everyone else? How many patent lawsuits has Apple initiated in the last decade? HTC. Any significant others?


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  • Sydde
    Apr 27, 11:01 AM
    I heard his poll numbers are just combed-over from last month.

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  • wsteineker
    May 26, 01:50 AM
    Originally posted by macktheknife
    I use Macs and PCs (running XP and NT) on a regular basis. Hardware recognition ("Plug and Play") is definitely better on the Mac. However, agree almost 100% with you that Windows XP has gotten much better in recognizing hardware. Through continued industry standardization, Windows is bound to get better with recognizing hardware.
    Yes, but that's just the industry bending to MS's will, not Microsoft actually producing a quality product. That's what's so frustrating here!


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  • Doctor Q
    Mar 22, 10:40 AM
    They're too big to go into a pocket..., they can't be shared around like books, they'll need recharging if they're used heavily. The ipad is a lot of things, sure, but there's lots of things it isn't, too.
    Can't fit in a pocket... that's an advantage for schools like the middle school I help, because they can't "walk off" with a student. We currently use carts with Mac laptops. They charge up while in the cart, then get handed out to students for a group project. If they were iPads they would take less space in a crowded classroom and boot up faster. I hope they would be as durable. They don't need to be shared like books. Each student would have one, but if two students had to share one it would be big enough for that too. And we'd save money over replacing the laptops with newer laptops as they age.

    First-issue iPads would be fine for group projects that involve access to websites (without Flash) and word processing, but with suitable new applications I hope clever teachers would be able to find even more useful educational activities for their students. And I know the students would be enthusiastic about using them.

    When we first started replacing chalkboards with digital whiteboards, some people thought it was a solution looking for a problem, but soon teachers found how to use the new potential to do much more than they could with an old-fashioned board. Despite the doubts of some posters above, I think schools like ours will have good uses for iPads (or their marketplace competitors) as educators experiment and innovate.

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  • kingdonk
    Mar 19, 06:06 AM
    Whats this feature for? I don't know if it was in SL Server but its part of the mail settings and don't know if its for certification or for using apple's mobile me mail service for pushing mail to iOS devices.

    i came across a post earlier and carnt remember the link to it but it was back from 2008 where some one was on about the new sl server and about the apple push thing and it was not for push e-mail but for push notifications for apps. i guess it might be if a company has their own app they can use that service for push notifications in the app.

    i may be wrong about this. any body else like to share?


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  • gkarris
    Apr 5, 05:05 PM
    Anyways, the 3DS just needs titles. It's a solid portable gaming system with no shortage of GREAT DS games to play on it until 3DS titles start to role in.

    Hopefully, not merely updated N64 titles... ;)

    Yes, even with the 3D off - the games look nice...

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  • CFreymarc
    Nov 20, 11:39 AM
    Knowing Apple there will be a way to turn it off in the OS if you don't want to use it. Also for the totally paranoid, a mod to remove the hardware from your iPhone will hit the web the week it is on the street.

    Also, I bet the hardware will be laid out where removing a pair or surface mount resistors will make it that simple to disable separating the antenna from the semiconductor.

    Why RFID?

    Vending Machines

    Gas Pumps

    Door locks and passage locks

    Home security system thing - let's you know who came to your door etc.

    Subway Train Token

    Movie Tickets

    Digital "tickets" for anything.

    Museum audio program guide thingies.

    Micro Payment systems

    Demographic plotting of people passing a turnstile

    I hope people try to see beyond the "evil Gubment" spy stuff.


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  • MacRumors
    Oct 26, 07:44 PM
    http://www.macrumors.com/images/macrumorsthreadlogo.gif (http://www.macrumors.com)

    Apple has finally updated their .Mac Webmail (http://www.mac.com/1/webmail.html) interface:

    Introducing the next generation of webmail. With its smart use of the latest web technology, the new .Mac webmail will remind you of the Mail application on your desktop. You'll feel right at home with its simple and elegant interface, drag-and-drop capability, built in Address Book, and more

    A sneak peak (http://www.macrumors.com/pages/2006/09/20060926212708.shtml) of the updated .Mac Webmail was originally posted in September.

    The new .Mac Webmail provides a similar look and feel to Mac OS X's Mail application, and utilizes the latest web technologies to provide a more seamless experience. .Mac (http://www.mac.com/1/currencytable.html) is a pay service provided by Apple. The basic package starts at (http://www.mac.com/1/currencytable.html) $99.95 (US) per year for 1GB of .Mac Mail and iDisk storage.

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  • UngratefulNinja
    Dec 27, 06:35 PM
    Interesting. Wonder if they've pulled them from the Apple stores there too.


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  • G4er?
    Apr 5, 08:50 AM
    If needing to carry a computer all the time everywhere I go is normal I'm glad I'm not normal. I enjoy using a computer but I also enjoy being able to walk away from them and exist without one too.

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  • krayziekray
    Jan 7, 01:29 PM
    There needs to be a way to manually sync contacts, as not all my contacts in my phonebook have the same name as Facebook (i save them as nick names, family names etc).

    :apple: KrayzieKray :apple:

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  • ptysell
    Mar 23, 01:50 PM
    License for $4?

    Apple should license it for *free*.

    Feb 25, 02:35 PM
    Pardon my ignorance. I've never used a server before, but now that it is being opened up for free in Lion, is this something that I could benefit from? What can it be used for from average home consumers?

    I'm not average but I use it at home. Here's the list of services I use:

    Open Directory
    DynDNS Update
    TimeMachine backup for 5 Macs
    Windows VM to run Quicken (Screen Sharing to view)
    File Sharing for music, pictures, video, software archival storage.
    AddressBook server to sync address book among computers and iTouches
    iCal server to sync and share calendars among computers and iTouches.
    Printer/Scanner server for shared all-in-one
    VPN server to access network away from home


    Apr 13, 11:02 PM
    Awesome!! And they will get crazy... :D

    Apr 24, 01:55 AM
    see this youtube video and you will be able to determine whether CPU affects the overall speed more than GPU. This guy compared 11" MBA(with 320M graphics) and 13" sandy bridge MBP with SSD(with Intel 3000HD graphics )


    Of course sandy bridge MBA won't use full power sandy bridge. But you will know that MBA's performance is just overpraised by SSD, not by GPU. Once other notebooks get SSD, MBA's benefit is only limited to small form factor and weight.(maybe + high resolution)

    I just don't understand people overpraising 320M on MBA, this made me to join here.

    2GB RAM = Apps will probably have to use the paging file = slower.

    But yes, the additional power of the i-series CPU will inevitably beat the GPU's power for most tasks. Gaming is another question altogether.

    People who want to keep the 320M are mostly people who want to do light gaming on their Airs.

    Apr 2, 04:30 PM
    I haven't used it yet either, but I plan on giving it a go for my first newsletter for my burgeoning photo biz.

    I have played around with it a bit, but really can't comment yet.

    I like Word for one thing: typing. I'm a writer (not trying to sound egotistical) and I hate it when an application tries to tell me how do do something TOTALLY WRONG. (And yes, I know I can turn that off.)


    Mar 25, 11:02 AM
    Remember back in the 90's when Apple was a dying company?

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