Tuesday, June 7, 2011

graveyard wallpaper

graveyard wallpaper. Gale Wallpapers/fanarts
  • Gale Wallpapers/fanarts

  • TyleRomeo
    Sep 19, 05:43 PM
    Originally posted by iJon

    graveyard wallpaper. Rate this wallpaper
  • Rate this wallpaper

  • Flynnstone
    Oct 9, 10:11 PM
    Corporate self centered whiners!
    Apple and iTunes changing the scene?
    How about Walmart changing the scene. Now Tower is pushing up daisies.

    graveyard wallpaper. dark graveyard wallpaper,
  • dark graveyard wallpaper,

  • kingdonk
    Feb 28, 07:26 PM
    Randome shots after they have all somehow gotten mixed up, if you want to know what one it belongs to just hover your mouse over the image and find another image with the same name/time.

    graveyard wallpaper. Graveyard iPhone Wallpapers amp;
  • Graveyard iPhone Wallpapers amp;

  • jwa276
    Sep 25, 10:57 AM
    Yes, where's the MacBook Pro with integrated toaster?

    Quite why people keep expecting announcements of upgraded laptops at a photography conference is beyond me.

    Why apple hasn't released a C2D macbook pro in time for the "back to school" buying season is beyond me. Every single one of these events is a possibility for an upgrade. Furthermore, those of us that want the latest and greatest for a $2,000+ investment are getting a little tired of being let down over and over again.

    Get with the program Apple!! GOSH


    graveyard wallpaper. Sunset Graveyard
  • Sunset Graveyard

  • nixd2001
    Sep 22, 02:42 PM
    Originally posted by P-Worm
    Isn't it amazing that no matter what the topic of a thread is about it always seems to degrade into people getting mad at how expensive a Macintosh is? Not to change the subjedt or anything...Carry on.


    Continuing this brief diversion...

    I've seen no attempt to quantitively factor quality into all these price comparisions that get thrown around. The build quality on my shiny doors is better than the build quality on any PC I've personally seen since a really nice Intel (yes, Intel) built PC from about '93.

    If there's a desire to compare simply on price, then you might as well use a random number generator - it's too much Apple and Oranges.

    I remember the storm caused a few years ago when a number of the UK PC manufacturers admitted that a 5% - 10% failure rate was the rates they operated on. I've just witnessed 3 motherboards out of about 15 go "phut" at work - due to design defects rather than going out of warranty as well. So should I conclude that they're good value for money because they are cheaper?

    graveyard wallpaper. Cemeteries amp; Graveyards
  • Cemeteries amp; Graveyards

  • iRobby
    Mar 28, 06:28 PM
    WWDC 2011 is officially SOLD OUT on the apple site!


    graveyard wallpaper. /graveyardackgrounds/
  • /graveyardackgrounds/

  • fishmoose
    Oct 6, 12:39 PM
    You are pulling figures out of thin-air. Where is your proof that the reason Nokia and other manufactures aren't doing well is because they have more than one type of phone?

    No no, I'm not saying that's why but thats their business model and its not working.

    graveyard wallpaper. Graveyards Wallpaper
  • Graveyards Wallpaper

  • abhishekit
    Feb 16, 10:44 PM
    On Macs the whole application is contained in that application icon that you see. Most of the cases there are no support files, there would be one small preference file (about 4kb, to store your user settings for that app) in ~/library/preferences. You can delete that or keep it if you think you would download the same app again sometime.
    Sometimes, there would be an additional folder with the name of the app containing a small file (4 kb), in your ~/library/application support. So you can check there too.



    graveyard wallpaper. Graveyard ghost party
  • Graveyard ghost party

  • JAT
    Apr 13, 02:18 PM
    If you have nothing setup it will use DHCP to get your DNS from whatever device is providing you your IP address. For most people this would be a DSL or cable modem which is passing the DNS servers from their ISP.

    So not setting it up is not an issue, unless your ISPs DNS servers suck.
    Frequently, I find the modem also has nothing set. Changing to any known DNS server speeds things up. You probably already did this years ago, you are a geek, no?
    But how do you know if it sucks? How do you know if Google's DNS servers are actually an improvment for you? You can't know until you test. There are several DNS test utilities you can download that will measure this for you and tell you. I highly suggest people not assume that using Google's DNS servers is always best. For some people it will actually perform worse. Test to know for sure.
    I agree, I never said anything about Google DNS or to not include some thought in the process. What I said is most people have a mess that should be addressed. Whenever I see, "internet is slow", I think, "check your DNS".

    graveyard wallpaper. via : The Graveyard – 1/100
  • via : The Graveyard – 1/100

  • Rugbysquire
    Apr 12, 01:54 PM
    A little off topic, but question for those who need Office software, and also run Parallels/Fusion: Do you prefer Office For Mac, or do you prefer to run "regular" Office in Parallels/Fusion? Thanks.

    I used to run Office 2004 on Mac and Office 2003 on Parallels and much preferred Office 2003. The main issue was the ease of looking at the screen in Excel on the 2004 version - particularly how it highlighted (poorly) the cell you were in..

    I have now upgraded to Office 2011 on Mac and now only use that. It is much improved. I won't be buying the Windows version.


    graveyard wallpaper. Rossville Marine Graveyard.
  • Rossville Marine Graveyard.

  • DeSnousa
    May 14, 07:13 PM
    i mean what is $800 Australian in American dollars?

    the reason i bring up the next GPU client is b/c i've heard it will be better with ATI cards than the current client. now i'm not sure if the ATI cards will pass nvidia or not though (i doubt it, but i'm just not sure).

    right now intel is better than amd for folding, but that doesn't mean you can't fold with it.

    with intel, if you go with let's say an i3 or i5 processor, you can always upgrade later. but keep in mind that i3, i5, and i7 860 use a different socket than the i7 920/930 and up.

    Ahh stuff it I will spend roughly 900-1100 US dollars, so if you had that kind of money what would you get, don't need a screen, nor Windows 7. I appreciate your thought and help.

    graveyard wallpaper. Graveyard Live Wallpaper for
  • Graveyard Live Wallpaper for

  • mdelvecchio
    Apr 5, 12:57 PM
    Why cant people just (I know this sounds crazy) listen to CR when they make factually based reviews (i.e., iPhone 4 antenna design CAN lead to dropped calls). I hate this blind bias some folks have on here.

    then how do you explain CR giving the nod to another smartphone that *also* demonstrates a deathgrip loss of signal? they all do. yet, there was no hoopla about the others. only iphone.

    thats what yanks the rug of credibility out from under them.


    graveyard wallpaper. old forest pagan graveyard in
  • old forest pagan graveyard in

  • Eraserhead
    Dec 18, 07:56 AM
    Well they are both owned by Sony BMG :p.

    That said I did buy RATM, the music industry has produced rubbish for the past 10 years. So much so that at the O2 (http://www.theo2.co.uk/) some of the greatest moments in music in the last 10 years include a song by NSync.

    graveyard wallpaper. Graveyard Horror Animated
  • Graveyard Horror Animated

  • lhotka
    Mar 13, 12:21 PM
    In Arizona - the Verizon phone shows the correct (unchanged time). The AT&T phone is an hour fast (it changed).

    This is such a basic function - how can Apple get it wrong?


    graveyard wallpaper. wallpaper graveyard. radical advertising tour in düsseldorf
  • wallpaper graveyard. radical advertising tour in düsseldorf

  • pmz
    Apr 5, 10:56 AM

    You can see where they have retouched the Home button.

    First shot especially changes colour as it gets near the white square and there is a definite difference in texture in a circular shape around the home square in the second shot.

    Might happen on the final release but this is not a picture of it and just someone after a pathetic 5mins of fame.

    It's an obvious fake.

    The entire idea of capacitive home button is ridiculous. It would not add one positive thing to the iPhone/iPod, and would instead introduce instant problems that can't be remedied:

    1. Accidental home button presses would be a nightmare.
    2. Double (And Triple) click which are essential commands, are impossible to implement with the same level of accuracy, ease of use, and convenience.
    3. Physical home button press has other functions that for the OS that would need to be relocated and duplicated elsewhere.
    4. Having One physical button is essential to people requiring handicapped access.


    graveyard wallpaper. The tombstone from Graveyard
  • The tombstone from Graveyard

  • DaveTheGrey
    May 2, 12:19 PM
    Hi everybody,

    at the moment I've got an old non unibody MacBook Pro with an ACD like in the picture below. As apple has switched to the unibody models they started to put a black bezel on the the ACDs and a black keyboard to the MacBooks. What I love about the silver-only-design is, that the content on the screen is much more dominant, the MacBook and the ACD seems to fade away when you are working with them. I just wanted to know what you think about the new vs. old design.




    graveyard wallpaper. Headstone cross in Graveyard
  • Headstone cross in Graveyard

  • diamond.g
    Apr 20, 06:08 AM
    ... to apease old school folks like yourself. It's off by default. OSX has always been about not having to think about managing the OS and focusing on being productive, creative and enjoying the purpose of the computer. Letting the OS manage system resources is the next logical step.

    Apps don't need to be running if they're not being used. If the OS saves all work and opening an app is nearly instantaneous, then there is no difference between a running app or a closed app running some services in the background.

    Nonetheless, the ability to turn the lights back on is a temporary transitional ability. It will no doubt be gone in the OS after Lion and only few people clinging to the past will look to turn them on.Until all applications support this new feature we may be in for a bumpy ride. Especially when users expect their current applications to behave the new way. Much like the heart ache we saw with the iOS 3 to 4 transition.

    graveyard wallpaper. Object Graveyards: the
  • Object Graveyards: the

  • takao
    Mar 16, 09:12 AM
    Anyone who says there aren't any, doesn't know what they're talking about... especially in the large-truck division, American technology still rules supreme.

    ranking of world wide 16+ ton vehicles sales in 2007

    1. Isuzu
    2. Daimler AG
    3. Volvo Group
    4. Toyota Group
    5. Hyundai Group
    6. Tata Group
    7. Fiat Group
    8. PACCAR
    9. Volkswagen Group
    10. Ford
    11. MAN
    12. Navistar International
    13. General Motors
    14. GAZ

    you migth have missed it when Volvo and Daimler went on their buying frenzy

    graveyard wallpaper. las vegas sign wallpaper. las
  • las vegas sign wallpaper. las

  • JCanfield
    May 2, 03:30 PM
    They could also be having problems with fit because a white iPhone is taller or wider than the black one. Has anyone measured the other dimensions?

    Oct 9, 04:10 PM
    Maybe it's just me, (and maybe this has been said before) but when I first got my "video capable" iPod, I was downloading music videos left and right. Then as soon as TV shows became available I got hooked on "Lost", "Battlestar Galactica" and more...but I quickly found out that the quality was not that great...

    I still ended up buying the DVD's of the shows that I really liked, and for those movies that I want on my iPod (for travel purposes) I simply convert them to iPod format, the quality is far better than anything you can download.

    Downloading may be convenient, but I will still run to the store for a hardcopy.

    And I agree with some earlier comments, once the HD/Blu-Ray war is over and the dust settles, I will begin rebuilding my video library with the winning format, because I can't imagine (yet) trying to download those files.

    You're far from alone.

    Mar 25, 03:02 PM
    In related news, Nokia has a problem:


    May 6, 10:17 AM
    ^^^I now have an idea of which part of the city you live in, and that is no Conservative stronghold.

    "Save a few fighter jets"? You mean the billions of dollars that could be better spent on more important things, such as healthcare? Billions. And apparently, the numbers that the Conservatives are giving as the cost are way below what the actual cost will be.

    I need to add that the other reason that people voted Conservative is because they had little confidence in Ignatief. This was due to a number of factors, which include his own doing and the smear campaign that was run against him.

    I think that if a better leader would have been running the Liberals, they would have done much better.

    Apr 9, 07:19 PM
    I didn't realize assisting in procuring abortion for child prostitutes counted as reporting to the FBI

    Obviously you've been reading the wrong sources, in all the cases Planned Parenthood gave advice, but then reported the case to the FBI.

    People are a nation's greatest asset.

    Unwanted people are far from an asset.

    Apr 14, 04:01 PM
    A little smartass humor does not hurt in my opinion. Unnecessary one word posts are annoying though.

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