Tuesday, June 7, 2011

updos for prom hair

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  • dosers
    Jul 26, 09:27 PM
    My understanding is, that is not 'quite' right:

    Apple is firmly in the Blu-Ray camp (as Microsoft is firmly in HD-DVD).

    While there is theoretical HD-DVD support in DVD Studio Pro (and DVD Player), this is ONLY for encoding and decoding mpeg-2 (or H.264). HD-DVD spec 'includes' those codes, but is designed for VC-1 (incidentally, a Microsoft-originated codec). Apple Software, at this time, cannot play VC-1 Video spec - regardless of the media.

    It remains to be seen how Leopard changes that; since Apple IS in the Blu-Ray camp, but not HD DVD, I would argue they will probably not going to support VC-1 decoding, and certainly not encoding (why would they? They would have no hardware to burn it), while a Blu-Ray drive will certainly be supported by player and DVD Studio Pro; Blu-Ray does not use VC-1 (in fact, one could argue, currently they are behind the times as they still use mpeg-2, since the H. code, while written into Blu-Ray spec, is not efficient enough yet, and no Sony video release currently supports it, making for - at this time anyway - less efficient compression than HD-DVD).


    There is already a universal version.

    The original poster is talking about support in general. The original summary incorrectly states that Apple is preferring Blu-Ray over HD-DVD, when in reality they're in both camps.

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  • SchneiderMan
    Feb 16, 04:17 AM
    Wow, really? Thank goodness the majority of men are not this douchey.

    Not being douchey. I'm talking about models. You're a model for a reason no?

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  • jedivulcan
    Apr 4, 10:46 AM
    If the AT&T + T-Mobile acquisition/merger goes through, the FCC and FTC should just close up shop and take whatever money they use to run those government bodies and return them to the tax payers. I mean, seriously, what's the point?

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  • NoShoreGuy
    Apr 18, 08:52 AM


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  • yamabushi
    Jul 12, 10:22 AM
    I wonder if any individual track has hit a million downloads yet. :cool:

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  • Doctor Q
    Oct 5, 06:56 PM
    If some web pages would "break" if you resize a text area, why is it such a problem? If I broke a web page by resizing, I'd simply drag it back to a "good" size again, and be no worse off than before. If it redraws dynamically it'll be quite obvious as you drag.

    Having a screen come out wrong is already the case with many websites if I resize my browser window to make it very skinny, yet I don't hear people complaining that browsers allow you to do that.


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  • rwilliams
    Dec 7, 04:08 PM
    Outstanding. Thank you very much!

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  • rprebel
    Feb 12, 04:48 PM
    Here's a larger version I made from a much larger image I found on tineye.com

    Original (http://media.comicmix.com/media/2010/07/21/cap-sdcc-poster-final-v2.jpg)


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  • rt_brained
    Jan 10, 04:28 AM
    Cingular AT&T biggest network Cingular best AT&T network biggest AT&T Cingular fewer dropped Cingular AT&T best Cingular biggest AT&T Cingular greatest Cingular big greatest AT&T network...

    Christ, talk about disconnect. Raising the bar, huh? "Yessir, here are your regular talking points. Cards 2, 4, 5, 6 and 8 are all the same. The man on stage is Steve Jobs. You met about two years ago about a new phone...he's vendor now. Good luck, sir."

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  • Ropie
    Sep 9, 05:06 PM
    Thanks m8 :)


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  • AppliedVisual
    Nov 1, 09:10 PM
    Looks like I'll have my G2 shuffles tomorrow. Should be better taking that to the gym, the wife is all excited about hers.

    Too bad they come with the old-style earbuds, although I don't know if the new ones are really that much better as I've not personally used the newer ones. Oh, well... If I don't like them, I'll swap them out I guess.

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  • rwh202
    Feb 13, 09:56 AM
    Weird question, why is F@H showing up as a user level process? I remember it used to show up as a nice process when I ran it last years ago. It's set to idle level in the setup of course and I never noticed till now because it seems to be behaving as a nice process but it's not showing up as one.

    I can't remember for sure, but I think there was some debate about this when leopard or snow leopard came out. Either activity monitor or the OS changed how the nice processes are reported.
    I'm pretty sure it's normal and folding still gives up processing when required.



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  • rich2000
    Oct 12, 03:17 PM
    Personally don't get the desire to have push for Tweets. Atleast in my case my world won't come to a screaching halt if I don't get my tweets right away. I have a job and such so I can't afford the time to look at tweets every thirty seconds...cuz...well....I have a job and such. I check them when there is a lul on the action or when I get home.

    Then again, I don't have push turned on for my work or personal e-mail accounts either. I want to be in control of my e-mail....not it in control of me.


    Sure but the point is that with other apps you have the option of having push, themes and more. It's form over function as said before, unfortunately the function isn't what it could be.

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  • prady16
    Oct 31, 10:22 AM
    I ask this simple question for you memory geeks out there. When will a 2 gigglebyte chip of the same form factor become available sufficient for a Shuffle "second generation", "version 2"?
    We could then call the 2GB - 2nd Gen Shuffle as "True 2G Shuffle". :D


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  • sherlockaled
    Feb 1, 08:05 PM

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  • rychencop
    Dec 9, 04:47 PM
    Link to original please!



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  • Cynicalone
    Mar 25, 10:45 AM
    They need to improve the worthless notification system in iOS more than the maps.

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  • vollspacken
    Dec 30, 04:59 PM
    hmm, does anyone know if Applefritter (http://www.applefritter.com/) is dead/abandoned?

    the site hasn't been updated for ages... pretty sad, I always enjoyed the weirdo mods... maybe people have moved on to the revamped Macmod.com (http://www.macmod.com/)??? :confused:


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  • strausd
    Mar 20, 02:11 PM
    So my friend gave me the Install Xcode.app and every time I double click it to install it nothing happens. I see my dock move a little bit, like its about to open up a new application down there, but then it goes away. It only moves like 5 pixels so I can't see what app is going on the dock. Is there anyway for me to install it? If he needs to sign in as a developer on his account thats fine, but how would we do that?

    beany boy
    Apr 4, 11:22 AM
    I don't believe in paying big money for early upgrades. I wanted the 3gs when it came out but I forced myself to wait. I ended up with a new iphone 4.

    Mar 26, 02:00 PM
    He refuses this wonderful piece of engineering! He does not understand how popular it will make him. Its in perfect condition. See!
    He still wants a "MacBuk"!
    Please persuade him to take this from me, it can even run notepad!

    Thanks all, now its time to get piss drunk.

    (Old thread got deleted -_-)

    Apr 4, 08:20 PM

    Apr 5, 12:12 PM
    I love that wallpaper! Any clues as to where it's from?

    I love it too. Cracks me up. :)

    I got it from here.

    It was pixelated on the 27" iMac so I just created a new pic with the same BG color in the correct size and then added the picture int he middle. I can upload it if you need it.

    Mar 20, 10:46 PM
    i think i saw somewhere the other day that apple will begin select authorization of apps made for ipod. is this true? any word on what these apps might be or how long before we get them?

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